We’re excited to introduce the regional ambassador program. The WICT Network: New York has been listening to our members who live outside the direct New York City region. We know you’re looking for ways to stay connected to the organization and have opportunities for in-person networking.Regional ambassadors will be responsible for helping to coordinate local area events, liaising with the Programming Committee, and generally creating a community in their designated regions.
Meet your Regional Ambassadors!
Stamford, CT
Get to Know Marie Velez
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
MARIE - I’m originally from NYC, moved to Tampa in 1998 and returned to Stamford after the Charter/TWC/BHN Merger. I have been in the TelComm industry for over 16 years and I’m currently a Sr. Manager of Charter’s Credit Services Onboarding Strategy. My educational background is in Business Administration/Management and am thrilled for this amazing opportunity to be your Ambassador!
Why are you excited about being an ambassador?
MARIE - Joining The WICT Network has been one of the best decisions I have ever made in my career. It has been such a positive and influential decision. Being part of this community gives me a sense of inclusion and empowerment, seeing the examples of great women and professionals who have achieved their goals and are now pouring their advice and experiences with others. It is also so much fun to attend the events and meet women from all walks of life who can relate to each other. I am excited to bring more events to our Stamford area.
What do you enjoy doing when not working?
MARIE - Outside of work, my passion is to travel. I have been to 24 countries so far and my goal is to add one or two countries annually to that list. I also enjoy hiking, working out, dancing and spending time with friends & family.