The WICT Network:
New York Membership
Why should you join The WICT Network?
Membership connects you with peers and leaders in our industry and offers many opportunities to network, learn and develop professionally.
The WICT Network: New York Chapter is made up of 900+ members from over 90 cable, media and telecommunications companies in the New York area.
Membership is open to women and men at every career level as well as students. Chapter events and programs give members personal access to business and career thought leaders. Virtual webinar events are also part of the mix and connect members outside of the NYC metro area to chapter programming.
Members are typically in director-level or higher positions.
At the global level, Executive Members are offered exclusive access to a distance-learning program that takes the form of webinars designed expressly for high-level executives.
Locally, chapters hold various live and electronic programs just for executive members.
Also at the local level, these members may vote in chapter elections and can hold chapter board positions.*
Members generally hold mid-level or supervisory positions.
Value-added free webinars, mid-level level programs and targeted messaging geared toward your career level, and more.
At the local level, these members may vote in chapter elections and can hold chapter board positions.*
Members occupy non-salaried (hourly) positions with no supervisor or direct budgetary responsibilities.
Value-added free webinars, entry-level level programs and targeted messaging geared toward your career level.
At the local level, these members are not eligible to vote in chapter elections and cannot serve on the chapter board.
Members are full-time students currently earning 6 credit hours at graduate level or 12 credit hours at the undergraduate level.
The same benefits as entry-level members, with the added value of opportunities to network and build relationships for future opportunities, student mentoring programs through the local chapters, and more.
Student members are not eligible to vote in chapter elections and cannot serve on the chapter board.
* Voting membership levels are important in selecting The WICT Network chapter volunteer leaders and required for serving as a WICT chapter volunteer leader. New members are welcome to join at anytime, however membership is based on the calendar year (January – December) and not the anniversary of your join date. If you join after January, you will receive a prorated credit on the following year’s dues renewal for those months you were not a member. Renewals for the following year are processed starting November 1.
Tax Information: WICT is a 501(c)(3) and its Federal ID #36-3814358. The WICT Network dues or contributions may be deductible as a charitable expense. Please consult your tax advisor.
Contact Us
The WICT Network: New York
General or Membership inquiries:
The WICT Network Member Services
202-827-4794 or email at membership@wict.org