2024 WICT NY Sponsorships/Partnership Opportunities
The WICT Network: New York offers an array of sponsorship opportunities that give partner companies the chance to reach the Chapter’s powerful and extensive membership of over 1,000 industry leaders and decision makers. Each level offers unique benefits to ensure a valuable return on investment, and your support helps the Chapter uphold the WICT brand promise of creating bold, self-empowered leaders through advocacy and leadership training. Your sponsorship truly supports events that bring value to WICT NY members, you drive key chapter activities, and your company helps us connect to our NY members through meaningful program series, such as Let’s Talk Tuesdays, Skills for Success, Leadership Series, Tech it Out and Virtual events.
For more information please contact:
Nikki Ehlers nehlers@calculatedhire.com and Jessica Burbach jessica.burbach@gmail.com
The WICT Network: New York’s PLATINUM sponsors are the Chapter’s premiere sponsors throughout the year with visibility at all events and on all Chapter materials.
Includes 20 complimentary tickets for any paid event(s) in the year of sponsorship*
Access to exclusive Executive level events
Company representation (speaker, moderator or panelist) at a minimum of one Chapter event
Attendance at exclusive ‘Strategic’ sponsor events such as “An Evening with The WICT Network: New York Board” and a Lunch n’ Learn on relevant industry topic
Significant exposure with sponsor logo placement on: The WICT Network: New York’s website, marketing materials, chapter event invitations and virtual signage at all chapter events
Early access & extended application windows for your companies The WICT Network: New York’s Members to our recurring programs: Mentorship Program, Mentorship Circle, Prime Access and Coaching Catalyst.
*Paid events equal to or less than $50 per ticket in value. Complimentary ticket benefits are on a yearly basis, not per event. Tickets may be redeemed in increments.
The WICT Network: New York’s Gold sponsors support events that bring value to The WICT Network: New York’s members. As a Catalyst sponsor, they drive key chapter activities, including the Membership Mixer – which is one of the Chapter’s major networking events throughout the year.
Includes 12 complimentary tickets for any paid event(s) in the year of sponsorship*
Pre-Registration opportunity for virtual events (which sell out quickly!)
Host opportunity of one Chapter event
Opportunity to engage with our Mentoring Programs based on topic/expertise
One promotional inclusion in The WICT Network: New York eblast (Member Mailing List 1,500+)
One feature in The WICT Network: New York Newsletter – Executive profile or company initiative
“Get the Most out of Your Sponsorship” customized email that tracks company utilization of sponsorship to ensure your organization is maximizing your sponsor benefits
Inclusion and placement of sponsor logo on: The WICT Network: New York website, marketing materials, chapter event invitations and virtual signage at all chapter events
The WICT Network: New York’s SILVER sponsors help us connect to our NY members through meaningful program series, such as Let’s Talk Tuesday, Skills for Success, Executive Leadership Series, Tech it Out and Virtual events.
Includes 6 complimentary tickets for any paid event(s) in the year of sponsorship*
Company mention by The WICT Network: New York’s President or Board/Committee Member at two chapter events
One social media shout-out across The WICT Network: New York’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn pages.
The WICT Network: New York’s Bronze sponsors help us connect to our NY members through meaningful program series, such as Let’s Talk Tuesday, Skills for Success, Executive Leadership Series, Tech it Out and Virtual events.
Includes 3 complimentary tickets for any paid event(s) in the year of sponsorship*
Company mention by The WICT Network: New York’s President or Board/Committee Member at one chapter event
*Paid events equal to or less than $50 per ticket in value
For more information please contact:
Nikki Ehlers nehlers@calculatedhire.com and Jessica Burbach jessica.burbach@gmail.com