Ingrid Laub
Title: Client Services Consultant
Company: Barker
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ingrid-laub/
How long have you been a member of The WICT Network? Over 3 decades! I served two tours of duty on the New York chapter board, once early in my career and again mid-career.
Who is a great (woman) leader/mentor you have had in your career? Alison Radzin was a fellow WICT NY board member who became a client when I was at an entertainment marketing agency, then recruited me for her team at Turner Broadcasting. She built an in-house creative department from the ground up, growing it from a single designer doing PowerPoint decks to a 20-person, full-service B2B and internal marketing resource. Working together on the WIC NY board allowed us to get to know each other personally and professionally, and positively impacted the trajectory of my career.
Tell us a little about yourself: Family, Hobbies, Favorite vacation spot, etc. I'm the proud mom of Jack (a sophomore at UMass Amherst) and Natalie (a high school senior.) We live in Ridgewood, NJ. I love to travel; I visited Peru last year and just returned from a trip to Amsterdam and Belgium. I recently started playing pickleball, America's fastest-growing sport.
What The WICT Network programs and events have you participated in? At the chapter level I've attended and produced many events including Let's Talk Tuesdays; helped launch the Mentoring Circle program; and always try to attend the Holiday Mixer. Nationally I've participated in the Leadership Conference and Leading With Power and Authenticity from the Executive Development Series.
Anything else you’d like to share? The WICT Network has helped me learn about the industry, hone critical soft skills, and establish valuable relationships, enabling me to develop the grit and resilience needed to succeed in an environment of constant change. I can honestly say it's been the most important professional organization in my career.