Jennifer Moon
Each Mentoring Circle session was an open forum for discovery, expression and connection. By participating, I developed a stronger sense of our business because my fellow mentees represented a cross-section of the industry. Communicating with these intelligent women and learning from the forthcoming mentors has led to lasting relationships built on mutual respect.
Madeline Langlieb
The Mentoring Circle was the perfect forum to discuss strategies for career advancement with like-minded women. If you have the opportunity to be a part of the circle, do not pass it up! It was valuable to hear about the goals, successes, and struggles that women in my industry experience. The Mentoring Circle provided the perfect opportunity to discuss all of these topics in a productive and intimate setting. I admired all of the mentors who shared their career timelines with us. The mentors were honest and heartfelt and they were open books when it came to answering mentees’ questions.
Jenna Beneski
I’m grateful for the WICT Mentoring Circle Program. I had a wonderful experience and I learned so much. Even though 2020 is an unorthodox year for the program, I still feel my relationships with these women, mentors and mentees alike, is as tangible as it ever could have been. There were so many elements that I found of value, but I actually think the concept of Fear Setting was my favorite. I love anything that can help me look at my goals from a new perspective.